The Scottish Register of Tartans

11 February 2025
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Using Our Site

This part of the Scottish Register of Tartans website offers advice on how to get the most out of the site. The site has been designed to be accessible by as wide a range of web browsers and computers as possible and a wide variety of people. There are different ways to navigate through the site, to provide options for first time visitors and to make it easy for regular visitors to reach popular parts of the site quickly. You can read more about how the site has been designed with accessibility and ease-of-navigation in mind. If you have any problems using the site let us know using our feedback form.

Help with navigation in the site

If you have trouble finding something in the site, there are a number of alternatives open to you:

  • browse the A-Z Index - a list of key information
  • use the site search - a way of searching your recent searches and registered tartans
  • look at the quick links on the Home Page
  • consider whether you are in the right website by finding out more about the Register
  • The site has been designed to meet government guidelines on accessibility, and there are things you can do at home to change the way pages look and function.

Changing the font size

Almost all text on the site is relative: that is, text size is displayed in sizes which are a percentage of you browser's default setting. You can make the font sizes bigger or smaller by using the font size commands on your Web browser.

Printing pages

Most pages have been designed to make printing easy, by using the print icon at the top left hand corner of this page or by using the printing commands on your web browser. Some information in the site (such as lengthy documents, or items where some degree of printing control is required) is provided in PDF format, which requires your computer to have Acrobat Reader installed. This is available free from Adobe.

Icons, symbols and images used on the site

All icons and other graphics files used on this site should have alternative text tags. The use of icons and decorative images has been kept to a minimum to maximise download speed and accessibility to sight impaired users.