The Scottish Register of Tartans

11 February 2025
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Your search has produced 433 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
d'Andeville, Xavier (Personal)Name 09/11/2009
D'Souza (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
D’Amico, Valeria (Personal)Name 08/11/2022
da Silva, Rui and Oliveira, Orlando (Personal)Name 12/08/2021
DaakeCorporate 16/01/2020
Dacre Estate CheckDistrict 01/01/1868
Dakers, J & Family (Personal)Name 13/05/2023
Daks (0600150)Fashion 01/11/1989
Daks (Black)Fashion 20/10/1996
Daks (Blue Loden)Corporate 01/01/2002
Daks (Blue)Corporate 01/01/2002
Daks (Brown)Fashion 01/01/1980
Daks (Chino Check)Fashion 27/06/1997
Daks (House Check)Fashion 01/12/1998
Daks (House)Fashion 01/01/2002
Daks (Loden)Fashion 01/01/2002
Daks (Muted Loden)Corporate 01/01/2002
Daks (Navy)Fashion 01/01/2002
Daks-Simpson (Muted Skye)Fashion 01/01/1983
Dalgliesh DressClan/Family01/01/2002
Dalla Torre, D (Personal)Name 07/11/2022
Dallard (Personal)Name Not Specified
Dallas (Lochcarron) (Personal)Name Not Specified
Dalmagarry (Personal)Name Not Specified
DalmenyClan/FamilyNot Specified
Dalmeny #1Clan/Family01/01/1840
Dalmeny #2Name Not Specified
DalriadaFashion 01/01/1730
Dalrymple of CastletonClan/Family01/01/1743
Dalrymple, M, of Oxenfoord (Personal)Name 01/01/1720
Dalveen (1981)Fashion 01/01/1981
Dalveen (2004)District 01/01/2004
DalwhinnieFashion 01/01/1982
Daly (2016)Name 01/08/2016
Dalziel #1Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Dalziel #2Clan/Family01/01/1822
Dama ClassicFashion 04/05/2010
Dama ResortFashion 04/05/2010
Dama WeekendFashion 04/05/2010
Damm, Alexander (Personal)Name 06/02/2015
DamsonFashion 01/01/2002
DanarethCorporate 16/01/2012
DanishDistrict 05/12/2005
DanzasCorporate 01/02/2000
Darbyshire, Brian and Family (Personal)Name 15/11/2023
Darien Venture, TheOther23/02/2017
Dark IslandFashion 01/05/2003
Dark LochnagarFashion 01/01/1999
Dark SkyCorporate 10/05/2017
Dark Sky AlpacasCorporate 17/01/2022
Darroch, C & Matheson, KL - Wedding (Personal)Name 31/10/2023
DartmoorDistrict 13/07/2023
Dartmouth, City of LakesDistrict 04/02/2017
Darvel, C Swinscoe Bullock (Personal)Name 28/08/2024
Daugherty (2017)Name 01/02/2017
Daugherty, Jonathan (Personal)Name 11/09/2018
Daughter of MullFashion 22/04/2016
Daughters of the American RevolutionCorporate 01/05/2014
Dauphinee (Trussville, Alabama) (Personal)Name 27/06/2012
Dauphinee, Andrew Hunter (Personal)Name 31/07/2015
Dauphinee, Andrew Hunter Dress (Personal)Name 30/03/2020
Davet (2014)Name 01/01/2014
David Philp CommercialsCorporate 12/07/2017
Davidson (Wedding) (Personal)Name 01/01/1998
Davidson of TullochClan/Family01/01/1880
Davidson of Tulloch #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Davidson of Tulloch DressClan/Family01/01/1978
Davidson, DoubleClan/Family01/01/1847
Davidson, HalfClan/Family01/01/2002
Davidsons Animal FeedsCorporate 10/07/2021
Davies of WalesName 01/01/2002
DavisName 01/01/2003
Davis, L W & Family (Personal)Name 01/07/2024
Davison, E & Family (Personal)Name 18/09/2024
Day (2016)Name 08/05/2016
Day, Paul Maitland (Personal)Name 21/07/2020
DDB CanadaFashion Not Specified
de Albergaria, Baron of Greencastle (Personal)Name 01/08/2002
de Albergaria, Baron of Greencastle, Dress (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
de Albergaria, Baron of Greencastle, Hunting (Personal)Name Not Specified
de Baseggio (Golden Bones)Name 23/05/2012
de Bustos, Guy-Michel (Personal)Name 13/10/2016
De Clercq, Christian Family (Belgium)Name 22/11/2012
de Franck, Matt (Personal)Name 06/06/2011
De GrussaName 15/07/2009
de Labriffe, Jérôme (Personal)Name 24/12/2018
De Laurentis Fullerton, Erica (Personal)Name 21/08/2023
de Mauraige, Guilhem & Quilliec, Bénédicte (Personal)Name 09/12/2020
De Maynard (Personal)Name 01/08/1988
de Meuron (Neuchâtel) Dress, TheName 20/07/2010
de Meuron (Neuchâtel) Day, TheName 13/10/2009
De Nardi #2 (Personal)Name Not Specified
De Nardi (Personal)Name 01/08/2001
De Nardi Hunting (Personal)Name 01/08/2001
De Ridder Liu, S A L & J and Family (Personal)Name 02/09/2020
Deaf communityOther17/05/2018
Deaf community (Scotland)Other17/05/2018
deafscotland heritageOther19/07/2018
deafscotland membership familyOther19/07/2018
Dean BraeFashion 01/01/2002
Dean/Dundas (Melbourne, Australia) (Personal)Name 10/06/2011
Dearie, James and Family (Personal)Name 10/12/2024
Deary, S & Family (Personal)Name 20/04/2021
Death GuildCorporate 06/03/2019
Debbie Munro MemorialCorporate Not Specified
DebianCorporate 01/03/2007
Decatur Presbyterian ChurchCorporate 26/01/2010
Declaration of Arbroath 7th Centennial AnniversaryCommemorative 06/04/2014
Declaration of Scottish Independence, Arbroath 1320Commemorative 06/04/2014
DeCloud-McMasters (Personal)Name 01/01/2014
Deer Park (Loton) (Personal)Name 01/01/1986
Deeside Plaid (Taobh Dhi)District 01/01/1963
Deeside, RoyalDistrict 01/01/2003
DEF CON GoonCorporate 14/08/2019
Dege of Saville RowCorporate 01/01/2002
degli Uberti, baron of Cartsburn (Personal)Name 03/04/2012
Deighan (Edinburgh)Name 18/09/2010
Delaware Fine Spirits GuildCorporate 13/02/2010
DellenDistrict 08/01/2015
Dellman, C & Family (Personal)Name 20/12/2021
DelmarvaDistrict 05/02/2010
Deloughery, PaulName 09/07/2012
Delroeux, John Michael (Personal)Name 25/06/1985
Delta Air LinesCorporate 15/05/2023
Delta Dental AssociationCorporate 05/12/2011
Delta Lambda PhiCorporate 17/07/2011
Dembrowicz, F and Family (Personal)Name 07/01/2020
Dempster (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
den Ouden, David John (Personal)Name 18/03/2017
Dench Williams, J & Family (Personal)Name 20/11/2023
DenholmFashion 01/01/1847
Dennis’ 70th Birthday – 2021Fashion 01/01/2021
Denny HuntingClan/Family01/01/2002
Denovan, The Lairdship of (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2002
DePenning, James & Family (Personal)Name 26/04/2021
DerbyshireDistrict 20/05/2015
Derick Wardrope (Portobello) (Personal)Name 06/02/2009
Derry County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Derry Family (Olney, Buckinghamshire) (Personal)Name 20/10/2010
Derry, C & Family (Personal)Name 21/12/2023
DesangCorporate 01/01/2002
DesertFashion 01/01/1979
Desert in BloomFashion 01/01/1972
Detroit LionsCorporate 14/04/2014
Deudon (2015)Name 15/10/2014
DevarrFashion Not Specified
Devlin, David Roddie (Personal)Name 16/05/2023
Devlin, Godfrey (Personal)Name 17/02/2019
Devlin, H & Family (Personal)Name 10 May 2023
Devlin, James R G (Personal)Name 18/02/2019
Devlin, Patrick (Personal)Name 25/10/2019
DevonDistrict 01/01/1990
Devon 2000Fashion 20/05/1999
Devon CompanionFashion 01/01/1984
Devon Rural Skills TrustCorporate 01/01/1990
DewarFashion 01/01/2003
Dewar (WCWM)Fashion 01/01/1979
Dewar's HighlanderCorporate 01/01/1988
Dewar, Robert AlexanderName 19/02/2009
Dewhurst, M & Family (Personal)Name 06/10/2022
Dewi SantName 01/01/2000
DeWolfeCorporate 11/08/2001
DFS (Donald from Skye)Other12/09/2018
Dhillon (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Dhillon, Rana Harkirat Singh & Family (Personal)Name 01/03/2011
Diamond JubileeCommemorative 28/04/2011
Diamonds & Wonders ScotlandCorporate 25/09/2023
Diana Hunting PlaidFashion Not Specified
Diana Hunting, LadyFashion 01/05/1982
Diana Memorial RoseFashion 01/02/2009
Diana Princess of WalesFashion 01/01/1997
Diana Princess of Wales MemorialCommemorative 01/01/1997
Diana, Plaid DressFashion 01/01/2002
Dias-Parkinson, Mariana & Lindsay (Personal)Name 01/08/2023
DiasporaFashion 01/02/2000
Díaz del Río, J & M and Family (Personal)Name 21/10/2024
Diaz, Rosemary & Eddy - Wedding (Personal)Name 27/06/2024
Dice GroupCorporate 02/09/2021
Dick (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
DickieName 01/01/1982
Dickie (Glasgow)Name 16/04/2010
Dickie, Chris & Gibson, Craig – Wedding (Personal)Name 29/07/2024
Dickson (Kirkcudbrightshire)Name 01/07/2009
Dickson (Personal)Name Not Specified
Digital Equipment Corp.Corporate 01/01/1991
Digital GoldOther03/01/2018
Digital Preservation Coalition MembersCorporate 08/09/2022
Dignan School of DancingCorporate 01/01/1997
Dijkgraaf, Markus Jack (Personal)Name 07/09/2013
Dinarzh: Fortress of the BearFashion 17/09/2011
DinwiddieName 01/11/1999
Dinwiddie HuntingName 25/05/2001
Dinwiddie, Alistair John (Personal)Name 30/06/2017
Dinwiddie, Emily & Family (Personal)Name 04/02/2020
Dinwoodie, G (Personal)Name 13/10/2022
DirectIDCorporate 17/11/2022
Dirks, B & Family (Personal)Name 20/04/2020
Dirou, A, M & T and Family (Personal)Name 12/08/2024
Disability AdvocateFashion 24/01/2022
Disciple Christian Motorcycle ClubCorporate 06/02/2019
Disciples of Christ Motorcycle Ministry (Switzerland)Corporate 02/06/2014
Discover IslayDistrict Not Specified
DISG RacingCorporate 07/02/2014
Dishkin, Norman & Family (Personal)Name 26/07/2003
Dishman, Timothy & Family (Personal)Name 17/02/2020
Distripress Annual Congress 2012Corporate 22/08/2012
Divardo, A & A (Personal)Name 30/01/2022
Dixon, Clyde (Personal)Name 11/11/2013
Dixon, R and Family (Personal)Name 28/08/2022
DoaneName 01/09/2006
DobbyFashion 25/03/2024
Dobelman (Personal)Name Not Specified
Dobinson, Matthew - Wedding (Personal)Name 05/11/2020
Dobrain (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Dobson (Palm Bay) (Personal)Name 07/11/2013
Docherty, William Thomas and Mary Bridget (Personal)Name 05/01/2022
Dodd of BranfordName 01/01/2002
Doddie’5Corporate 01/01/2018
Dodds, R (Personal)Name 14/01/2021
Dodds, R Hunting (Personal)Name 27/01/2021
Doerr, Michael & Riley and Family (Personal)Name 21/09/2021
Doerr, Michael & Riley and Family Dress (Personal)Name 21/09/2021
DogrobesCorporate 01/07/2016
DogwoodFashion 01/01/1968
Dohmen Family (Zuid-Nederland)Name 30/07/2012
Doig (Personal)Name 01/05/2004
Dollar AcademyCorporate 01/01/1930
Dollar Academy (1999)Corporate 01/09/2000
Domino's Pizza GroupCorporate 15/03/2017
Domino's ScotlandCorporate 25/11/2020
Donachie of BrocklochClan/Family01/11/2003
Donachie of Brockloch Ancient HuntingClan/Family01/05/2007
Donachie of Brockloch HuntingClan/FamilyNot Specified
Donald of Staffa's SettClan/Family01/01/1819
Donegal County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Donegal, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
DonnollyFashion 01/01/2003
Donoghue, Andrew and Mary (Personal)Name 19/06/2018
Donohoe Grey, PeterName 01/05/2012
Donside Trampoline ClubCorporate 16/11/2013
Doo (2017)Name 04/01/2017
Doo, Chris & Family (Personal)Name 04/01/2022
Doohan (New South Wales), AndrewName 08/01/2013
Doon Valley CraftersCorporate 01/10/2012
Doona, Kieran and Carol (Personal)Name 19/10/2022
DoralFashion 01/01/1972
DorcasFashion 01/01/1980
Dorcas (WCWM)Fashion Not Specified
Dorcas CheckFashion Not Specified
Dorrance, J & G (Personal)Name 29/04/2021
DorrisCorporate 01/08/2000
Dorsai IrregularsCorporate 27/09/2019
Dorsai Irregulars DressCorporate 22/10/2019
Dorsai Irregulars HuntingCorporate 22/10/2019
Dorsey-Smith, C & M and Family (Personal)Name 14/06/2021
Dosluoglu, Taner & Ertugrul, Suna (Personal)Name 10/09/2023
Doten (2013)Name 15/01/2010
Doten, J (Personal)Name 15/01/2012
Doten, J Dress (Personal)Name 15/03/2022
Doten, J Hunting (Personal)Name 15/01/2012
Double Elvis GalleryCorporate 14/05/2011
Double OakFashion 21/05/2020
Douglas (alternative threadcount)Clan/Family01/01/1819
Douglas (WCWM)Fashion 01/01/2002
Douglas Ancient Dress (WCWM)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Douglas Ancient RedClan/Family01/01/2002
Douglas of RoxburghClan/Family01/01/1984
Douglas VariationClan/FamilyNot Specified
Douglas, (Brown)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Douglas, BlackClan/Family01/01/1920
Douglas, Green (Wilsons')Clan/Family01/01/1819
Douglas, Grey (Vestiarium Scoticum)Clan/Family01/01/1842
Douglas, William (Personal)Name 28/08/2018
Douglas-Imlah, P & Family (Personal)Name 25/01/2023
DouneDistrict 01/01/2002
Dove (Personal)Name 01/08/2007
Dow - AerliftName 06/09/2012
Dowell, John & Family (Personal)Name 06/06/2022
DowlingDistrict 01/01/1990
Down County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Down, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
DownsName 01/02/2007
DoyelName Not Specified
DoyleCorporate 01/03/1998
Doyle BlueFashion 01/01/2003
Draco MalfoyFashion 25/03/2024
Dracup, James (Personal)Name 08/03/2023
Dram!Corporate Not Specified
DrambuieCorporate 01/01/1998
Drambuie DressCorporate 01/07/1998
Drambuie HuntingCorporate 01/01/1998
Drax GroupCorporate 29/07/2019
Drenning, Andrew & Family (Personal)Name 08/12/2024
Dress BlueFashion 09/06/2012
Dress WatchFashion 01/11/2003
Drew, A J (Personal)Name 04/01/2019
Drey Balken Lodge MünsterCorporate 01/09/2021
Driver, Michael (Personal)Name 22/03/2018
Driver, RCName 18/02/2010
Dropkick MurphysCorporate 01/01/2007
DruidName 14/07/2008
DrumbegFashion 01/01/1984
DruminDistrict 10/11/2020
DrumlithieFashion 01/01/1790
Drummond #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond (Grey)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond AncientClan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond of FingaskOther01/01/1746
Drummond of Perth DressClan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond of Perth Dress #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond of Perth Dress #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Drummond of Strathallan or OgilvyClan/Family01/01/1812
Drummond RelicOtherNot Specified
Drummond, Grey (Clans Originaux)Clan/Family01/01/1880
DryburghName 01/01/2004
DryerName 28/10/2009
DryfeName 01/01/2002
DrymenFashion 01/01/1984
Du LionCorporate 16/08/2013
du Preez, Roy & Family (Personal)Name 10/12/2024
Dubinskiy, Ivan (Personal)Name 08/10/2022
Dublin County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Dublin Lie-ins (Personal)Name Not Specified
Dublin, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
Dubucq (2016)Name 21/11/2016
Duchess Anne CommemorativeCommemorative 14/02/2020
Duchess of AlbanyFashion 01/01/1880
Duchess of EdinburghCorporate Not Specified
Duchess of FifeFashion 01/01/1880
Duchess of Fife #2Fashion 01/01/2002
Duchess of KentFashion 01/01/1930
Duchess of YorkFashion Not Specified
Ducoulombier, Thibault (Personal)Name 18/05/2021
Duettrasson, I & H and Family (Personal)Name 04/05/2024
Duffus Hose, LordOther01/01/2002
Duffus Plaid, LordOther01/01/1710
DuffyName 01/01/1995
Dugan (Personal)Name 01/11/2007
Dugan, Cumberland and Family (Personal)Name 30/09/2019
Duke of EdinburghFashion Not Specified
Duke of Lancaster's RegimentMilitary 30/01/2019
Duke of YorkDistrict 01/01/1930
Duke of York HuntingRoyal01/01/2002
Dumbarnie LinksCorporate 06/03/2022
Dumbarton Football ClubCorporate 03/10/2019
Duminiak (Trevose, Pennsylvania)Name 28/09/2009
Dumnonian HistoricCorporate 22/01/2020
Dumon, Greg and Family (Personal)Name 17/12/2022
Dunans RisingCorporate 25/02/2013
Dunbar - 1840District 01/01/1840
Dunbar HuntingClan/Family01/01/1986
Dunbar PlaidOther01/01/2002
Dunbar, John Telfar - HuntingName Not Specified
Dunbar, John Telfer (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Dunbarton (Quebec)Fashion 01/01/2002
DunbartonshireFashion 01/02/1998
DunblaneDistrict 01/01/1822
Dunbog Primary SchoolCorporate 01/01/1985
DunBrochCorporate 13/12/2011
Duncan of SketrawClan/Family01/01/2005
DundasClan/FamilyNot Specified
Dundas #2Clan/Family01/01/1842
Dundas (Red)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
DundeeDistrict 01/01/1819
Dundee (2003)District 01/01/2003
Dundee and Angus College of SanctuaryCommemorative 24/01/2025
Dundee Carers CentreCommemorative 07/06/2014
Dundee DiscoveryCorporate 01/06/1997
Dundee DressFashion 01/01/2002
Dundee Football ClubCorporate 01/01/1990
Dundee GreenFashion 01/01/1952
Dundee Pink VariationDistrict 01/01/2002
Dundee Scottish Pipe Band (Illinois)Corporate 01/12/2016
Dundee United Football ClubCorporate 01/01/1991
Dundee WallaceFashion 01/01/1819
DundhuinFashion 23/06/2010
Dundhuin Dress (Personal)Name 07/06/2010
Dundhuin GoldName 09/06/2010
Dundhuin Hunting (Personal)Name 07/06/2010
Dunedin (NZ)District 01/01/1988
Dunedin (USA)District 01/01/1986
Dunedin ChapterCorporate 01/01/2003
DunfermlineFashion 01/01/2001
Dunfermline Athletic Football Club New Pars (2008)Corporate Not Specified
Dungallan Country HouseCorporate 06/07/2022
DunkeldFashion 01/01/1979
Dunlop DressClan/Family01/01/1982
Dunlop HuntingClan/Family01/01/1984
DunlouiseCorporate 12/01/2017
DunnName 01/02/2001
Dunn #2Name 01/10/2005
Dunne, Jordan (Personal)Name 05/03/2019
Dunnet, J, Canisbay (Personal)Name 01/12/2021
Dunoon Burgh Hall TrustCorporate 01/06/2016
Dunoon IrishCorporate 01/01/1935
DunRovin Station Fiber AlpacasCorporate 28/11/2020
DunRovin Station Ranch - Bohn HomesteadCorporate 28/02/2020
Duns Pipe BandCorporate 13/10/2014
Dupplin CheckDistrict 01/01/2002
Durand, Christophe (Personal)Name 13/02/2024
DurangoFashion 01/01/2002
DurhamFashion 01/01/1819
Durham Regional PoliceCorporate 07/12/2024
Durie (Personal)Name 01/01/1994
DutchDistrict 01/01/1965
Dutch DressDistrict 01/01/1965
Dutch FriendshipDistrict 01/07/2006
Dwight, Kenneth James and Family (Personal)Name 01/12/2020
Dworzak, Bradley - Langan, Patricia Wedding (Personal)Name 30/08/2013
Dyball, Stephen (Personal)Name 01/10/2021
Dyce #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Dyce #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Dyce Rugby ClubCorporate 01/06/2018
Dye, Joshua & Family (Personal)Name 16/01/2020
Dye-Vernon, James (Personal)Name 03/07/2023
DyerName 01/11/2000
Dyet, Mark (Personal)Name 07/09/2021
Dykes, of PerthshireName 01/01/2007